Montag, 25. April 2011

Re_Create - a mix of theory, relaxation and energetic painting
Re_Create #3 - was Teilnehmer sagen:

Thanks for the photos! they are great! And you are great!
Thank You for a wonderful course, I have put all my creations up on the walls here at my place.
(D., Denmark)

Deine Seminar-Idee finde ich großartig. Sicher kannst du vielen Menschen damit helfen, ihr inneres Kind wieder zu entdecken und achtsam mit ihm umzugehen.
(H., Potsdam)

Ich fand den Kurs wunderbar, wie du ihn konzipiert und durchgeführt hast und
ich glaube, dass es daran bestimmt noch interessante Anknüpfungs"konzepte" geben kann.
Bei mir ist ein bißchen was "losgetreten" worden und die Kombination aus "Bewußtmachung" (Theorie), Entspannung und energetischem Einlassen haben eine hohe Sensibilität freigelegt und den Wunsch nach kreativer Entfaltung wieder erweckt - es fühlt sich außerdem wie eine innere, überreich leuchtende Oase und wie ein Schutzraum der Entschleunigung an.
(R., Berlin)

Neuer Raum - Bildraum! Eberswalder Str. 2, 10437 Berlin, gegenüber vom Mauerpark!

Dienstag, 19. April 2011

Re_Creation # 3

What participants say:

Liberation through techniques
I had no expectations, but what happened was amazing - I feel energized and new!
The processes in the group and painting together was a real gift for me.
I feel a full and rich oasis inside of me,
The combination of theory, relaxation, and energetic openings has hightened my sensitivity and given me a strong wish for more creative development.

Samstag, 26. März 2011

Participants of Re_create #2 - what they say:

danke, danke für die schönen Tage

Liebe Bettina

Ich möchte mich vielmals bei dir bedanken für die schönen Tage. Sie haben mir sehr gut getan und ich konnte so richtig abschalten, es kam mir vor wie wenn ich 1-2 Wochen weg war. Auch habe ich mich sehr darüber gefreut die Tage mit dir und den anderen Teilnehmer zu verbringen. Bei der Theorie in Englisch konnte ich zum Teil nicht so richtig folgen. Abends war ich auch einfach müde. Inzwischen habe ich das Buch gekauft und werde es in Ruhe durcharbeiten. Das schönste war, mein Kopf ist so richtig ruhig geworden. Inzwischen hat sich auch das wieder etwas geändert, es ist aber sehr schön die Ruhe erlebt zu haben. Ich bin sicher sie wird sich wieder einstellen, zu gegebener Zeit.

Ich wünsche dir alles Liebe und Gute

(Participant from Hamburg)

Hi dear Bettina,

I enjoyed the course a lot too, because it was a compilation of all that I truly like: art, creativity, fun, yoga, friendship...

I think it really inspired me to start freely to express me trough colors.

And I checked your web site - I really like the pictures on the photos.

Many hugs and see you in Berlin in July.

(Participant from Macedonia)

….I had a lot of fun on the course and it was really nice to see that I was feeling quite energetic following it! I think that the course really does help bring the creative side out but I would agree with the comments made earlier that it would have been nicer if we could go out and have more walks and bond a bit more with the group.

(Participant from UK)

Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

Dear Bettina,

I made it home safe and sound. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience!!! ... I think this workshop and visit to berlin is been a major breakthrough at this point of my life and i'm so happy and grateful!

…now i'm back and painting my mother's portrait. i feel painting is much easier now! may be the yoga? i am sure. i will send a picture when is finished.

(Participant from Spain)

Dear Bettina,

Thank you for your email. Yes indeed I am quite busy and very happy since

I have found a space for my yoga lesson + massage + little courtyard and a

space to live in. It is like a dream come true, middle of town and with

character, very good to start, we spoke about it in Berlin and I know it

gave a boost to this impulse in me. I knew about this space since December

and was on hold about it and when I came back from Berlin I went for it

with almost no hesitation, now I am even looking forward to moving in. I

will be moving in 1st of April.

(participant from France)

...The workshop was an excellent time with other creative people to learn, create, have great fun and become friends and collaborative partners for future projects. Bettina was leading and inspiring us with huge engagement, knowledge and created an atmosphere of joy, easyness and kind lovingness. Her amazing cooking is tasty, healthy and fast. Time was flying, but we had enough to ceate together an astounding art work, a big and great painting.

Because also the psychological components of the creative process were explained with differently colored hats, we had to behave accordingly. Through this process I had complete new experiences in painting and behaving. The result was a very positive atmosphere, helping me to feel free. I not only talked about my ideas but also created them immediately and directly.

As I almost never painted and mixed colors in my life, it was a great feeling to do something new, knowing the other participants accept and even like my work. Their supportive words encouraged me immensely.

Generally, yoga, healing and spirituality can become an important component in the creative development of a person through the mobilisation of inner potentials.

(Participant from Berlin)

Creativity as opportunity - new course in Berlin

14. - 17. 4. 2011
Starting Thursday 6pm, ending Sunday 4 pm

RE-CREATE — a NEW Art and Creativity PLUS Course

Discover the artist in you and tap into your creative potential in this innovative course with artist and founder Bettina Semmer. Four days of painting, drawing and tools for creativity in art and life, combined with a Yoga course for deep relaxation and new energy!

Do you wish to be more creative, more relaxed and more skillful in all of life’s challenges? Then join this new and innovative course this spring!

A combination of tools for Creativity on demand, of pampering the inner creative child, and Yoga, Re-Create is a wonderful way to increase our awareness towards the artist in you. From a neuro science point of view, it has been described how yoga can help to form neurons in the brain, meaning that we are able to leave the trodden paths of our routine perception and thinking.

Painting and drawing is taught as a skill and a means to express ourselves. General tools and techniques to be more creative in all walks of life and professions will form the core part of the course. A full Yoga course will give you deep rest and new energy.

We will

- Learn about tools for “creativity on demand”, fun and state of the art techniques to enhance your daily creativity, productivity and communication skills.

- draw from nature, as well as using colour freely, in abstract and expressive ways, thereby gaining confidence in the field of visual creation. Exchange feedback with others and create a work of art together.

- practice Yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditations and learn about Yogic Philosophy, the Yogic way of life

Course times: Thursday, registration 5.30 - 6.30 pm, we start around 6.30 pm with dinner, last session Sun 10.00 am- 1.00 pm.

Course fee:220.- /conc. 160.-(long course format of 22 hours)160.-/120.- (short course format of 16 hours)

Information: +49 (0)30 60957949